Thursday, December 21, 2006

Avoiding Bad Credit Loan Scenarios

One of the best ways to avoid debt and ultimately bad debt loans is to monitor your credit score closely. Always get your free credit report online every year and try to monitor your FICO score as well. By checking your credit report, you'll see all of your debt in one place and you can ensure that all of the information on the report is correct. Choose any one of the credit reporting services and watch your credit report closely. Next, avoid making late payments any way you can. If you need to automate your bills, then do it. If you need to hire an accountant to come in once a month, then do it. You'll save more money than you put into either investment. Finally, read up on money management. Head to your local library and look at best sellers or look up books on the internet so you can see which ones get high user ratings and cover the topics you need. Educate yourself and you'll be able to avoid bad debt.

Finding Bad Credit Loans Without Bad Credit Rates

If you have bad credit, it's not the end of the world and you certainly aren't alone. One of the easiest ways out of bad credit is getting a bad credit loan. You could consolidate debts and other payments and if you never miss a payment, or make one late, you will gradually begin to improve your credit score. You may think that if you get a bad credit loan, it will automatically have a bad interest rate, but this isn't always the case. There are bad credit loans with interest rates that actually improve as you make payments on time. There are also bad credit loans with interest rates that are lower than the interest rates on all of your current debt - so even if the rates seem high, you'll still be saving money.

Bad Credit - 3 steps to fix

3 Steps to Fix Bad Credit

How do you go about fixing your bad credit?

  1. Get your credit report and assess the situation. Make small and large changes in your lifestyle to start improving your credit TODAY. No more shopping sprees or trips to the casino until you have your financial situation under control.
  2. Research - Find out if the problems on your credit report are accurate, and if they are, find out which habits will improve your credit score the most in the shortest amount of time.
  3. Petition - If there is an error on your credit report, you can petition to have it fixed and removed. This may take time and diligence, but it is possible - and well worth the time and effort.